...are personalities who have distinguished themselves through their work with young designers, promotion of design and partnership with the VDMD.
Since 2014, the VDMD - Netzwerk Deutscher Mode- und Textil-Designer e.V. (Network of German Fashion and Textile Designers) has been awarding exceptional designers the title DESIGNBOTSCHAFTER.INNEN for Fashion.

Anja Gockel
She is one of the most successful German designers.
She makes self-confident women visible with her fashion.
That's why our jury chose her as DESIGNER.OF THE YEAR 2017 and named her DESIGN.AMBASSADOR in 2018.
Anja Gockel is an important partner of the VDMD and part of our Design.Ambassadors!
Thomas Rath
In 2014, we awarded Thomas Rath the SILVER NECK OF HONOUR as the first German / European DESIGN.AMBASSADOR for fashion.
Together with the VDMD, Thomas Rath will power fashion design in Germany as a Fashion DESIGN OFFICER.
Main goals of our partner, Thomas Rath:
- To strengthen fashion awareness in Germany and thus highlight its creative potential internationally.
- To establish sponsorships for fashion between JUNGEM DESIGN and potent companies in the industry.
We are looking forward to working with our first German/European VDMD DESIGN.AMBASSADOR - Thomas Rath.