Fashion-Pluck-Award – Fashion-Courage-Man

Fashion-Pluck-Award – Fashion-Courage-Man

Men with Fashion Courage is about well-known public figures who don’t just wear fashion as clothes, but present THEIR design as a way of life every day.

Didi Veron

Model, artist, TV actor, designer and fashionista

As part of the Neonyt/Fashn Rooms in Düsseldorf, fashionista DIDI VERON was honoured for his fashion courage. The jury’s statement:

“His style bears his unique signature and rises far above current forms of clothing. He thus sets new impulses for change in German men’s fashion.”

For him, fashion is passion, art, expression, statement, love and freedom.

We say once again: Congratulations DIDI VERON!

Stephane Bonutto

Brave wearer of women’s clothes in public.

On 26.01.2020, the VDMD.FASHION.PLUCK.AWARD – MODE.MUT.MANN 2020 was presented to STEPHANE BONUTTO at Gallery 2020, at the Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf.

Courageous because he wears women’s clothing openly and publicly. Confidently, authentically and with the same matter-of-factness as women wear menswear.

Stephane Bonutto wants to make people rethink the dogmas of traditional clothing culture.

Gerold Brenner

Passionate wearer of skirts

On 27.01.2019, the VDMD.FASHION.PLUCK.AWARD – MODE.MUT.MANN 2019 was presented to GEROLD BRENNER at Gallery 2019, at the Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf.

The award was presented to denim aficionado Gerold Brenner by Ulrike Kähler, CEO of the IGEDO Company and René Lang, President of the VDMD.

The trained tailor loves men’s skirts, everything made of denim and combines both in such an inimitable way that he has become a social media star: Gerold Brenner is a “colourful dog and often photographed bird of paradise”.

Ty-Rown Vincent

Moderator and model coach

Tyron was an active model for designers such as Karl Lagerfeld, Yves St. Laurent, Kenzo, Versace and Roberto Cavalli, among others, before specialising in developing show concepts and implementing premium fashion and brand presentations.

His agency “Front Row Agency” regularly looks after clients from the fashion and lifestyle sector, including OTTO Group, Rodenstock, s.Oliver, Unrath & Strano, Airfield, Laurel, Sportalm, as well as corporate clients such as Mercedes, Wella Professionals, Siemens, Audi and BMW/Mini, and produces over 80 shows a year.

Tyron: “Ty-Rown Vincent says about himself and his appointment as MODE.MUT.MANN.2018: “You (our clients) and I are surprised together, as you usually only know me before the fashion show in a private casual look and then to the event in a great suit. But the majority of people know me through my numerous events, juries and TV appearances rather in the look of the fashion avant-garde. I am extremely pleased that the DEUTSCHER MODE und TEXTIL-DESIGNER network is honouring my fashion presence with a 360° view of my person and honouring and awarding me at the most important fashion fair “Gallery” Düsseldorf in an official press conference with an award ceremony.”

Massimo Sinató


VDMD.FASHION.PLUCK.AWARD 2017 was presented to Massimo Sinató, known from RTL’s “Lets Dance”, during the Gallery in Düsseldorf on 23 July 2017. He proves that men’s fashion (HAKA) is not only classic or sporty, but can be very individual, stylish and hip and a new role model for men’s (fashion) in the industry. His appearance in public convinced the jury to give him this award.

The award was presented by VDMD President René Lang and the German/European MODE.DESIGN.BOTSCHAFTER Thomas Rath. Together they presented the certificate and the symbol of fashion courage. The design and framing of the certificate was done by Gerd Michel, Kunsthaus Michel Würzburg. We would like to take this opportunity to thank him. If you would like to participate in future awards, we would be happy to hear from you and to receive media coverage.

Günther Krabbenhöft 

Berlin’s oldest hipster

VDMD presents the 1st Fashion_Pluck_Award to Günther Krabbenhöft. For his fashion courage and style, Günther Krabbenhöft from Berlin, also known as the “oldest hipster in Berlin”, was presented with the VDMD’s 1st Fashion_Pluck_Award during the 30th anniversary of the VDMD on 12 November 2015.

A “gentleman par excellence”, finely styled from head to toe and highly likeable to boot.

His example also gives others courage for fashion.

In future, VDMD will present this award once a year.