


Thinking spaces





... with industry
  • We bring you together with clients
  • We make you visible as a designer
  • We accompany your career
... with social media 
  • We blog for you
  • Your blog will be posted everywhere
  • We are on: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Xing, Google Arts & Culture Fashion and textination
... with trade
  • We inspire customers for your label
  • We present you at trade fairs
  • We put you online
  • We publish you on the global portal Google Arts & Culture Fashion
... with press
  • We publish your contributions on the web
  • We forward to - TW, TM, DPA, Fashion Network, TextileNetwork, Textination,
  • Gruber Publishing,
  • Gesamtmasche,
  • europe-fashion-berlin
... with job providers
  • We arrange jobs and accompany your professional development
  • We monitor the job portals for you
  • We maintain good contacts with headhunters
  • We act as headhunters for you
... with public
  • Imagine that we transport your content to 6000 relevant companies.
  • We present you at congresses and trade fairs
  • Our awards are a springboard for your career
... with associations
  • We create multipliers at all professional levels
  • We cooperate for you with relevant design associations DTB, VTB, DT - Gesamtverband Mode Textil Berlin - Bayern Design
... with politics
  • We lobby for you
  • in the KSK, in the Cultural Council, in the ministries
  • Political work means exerting influence on professional decisions and framework conditions.

Thinking Spaces...

... for Mega.Trends

  • You help shape it!
  • Social development influences products
  • Your products reflect culture and lifestyle
  • Your active participation shapes the future
... for knowledge.transfer 

Share your knowledge with us:

  • to educational institutes
  • Colleagues
  • Students
  • Consumers
  • Curious
  • Interested parties

... for Trend.Research

  • Your special knowledge is in demand here
  • Profile yourself with your knowledge on our platforms
  • Together we develop visions for the future
  • New products emerge from lateral thinking
... for Innovation.Storm
  • We create space for lateral thinkers
  • We let ourselves be inspired by interdisciplinary thinkers
  • Research institutes- colour institutes, fab.labs, artists, architects, marketing, human resources, philosophers, political centres Design-Thinkings


... is for ...

  • our community
  • Members
  • Students
  • Start-Ups
  • Work-Ups
  • Change-Ups
  • Cross-Ups

We have the answers to your questions

  • You want to start a business as a creative?
  • You want to apply for a job?
  • You want to secure yourself?
  • You want to earn good money?
  • You want to launch your own collection / product?
  • You want to get in touch with expanding professional fields?


... wanted?

  • Are you looking for a suitable designer?
  • You have orders to place with designers?
  • Are you looking for a needle in a haystack for a permanent position?
  • We make designers visible for you in our Designer.Search

... enormous advantages for designers

  • Jobs and assignments
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Trainings
  • Consulting
  • Network
  • many savings
  • Community