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Your WINS as a VDMD member

The VDMD is YOUR networker in the industry
We network you with…
Markuks Jürgens /

Our experts share their know-how with you
With seminars – workshops – lectures
we support you at the start of your professional lifen
Topics are
Collection development,
customer acquisition,
legal issues, legal protection and insurance,
Business start-up with business plans
we support you in your daily work
Topics are
Calculating my living expenses and hourly wage,
fees and contracts,
marketing, including social media presence,
access to the artists’ social insurance fund
Trend analyses 2 years in advance (see below for more)

Industry and trade are looking for YOU at US
You can find corresponding job offers in our job exchange.
At the request of the companies, these are initially anonymised.
If you send us the reference number, we will send you detailed information about the job offer.
You can then apply yourself or send us your application and we will forward it with a recommendation as a professional association.

Der VDMD macht Euch und Eure Arbeit sichtbar
The platforms on which we make you visible are
on the VDMD website in the slider
on the VDMD website in the blog
on the VDMD website in the Designer Search
on the VDMD social media platforms (Facebook, XING, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram)
on YouTube with our Culture.Cast.Podcasts
in our Online Shop
via our industry and trade e-mail distribution list
on our joint stands at the major trade fairs

The VDMD TrendResearchTeam analyses current and future trends in society and their impact on products in the fields of fashion, textiles, interiors and home, as well as on urban development, architecture, Public.Places and Spirit.Rooms.
The TrendResearchTeam works out the coming seasonal colour and style trends for you 2 years in advance.
Available digitally or in print in the online shop:
Colour brochures

The annual awards of the VDMD are
Fashion-Pluck-Award – Fashion.Courage.Man
Designer of the Year for sustainable collections
We jury with:
Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis für Design
Bayerischer Staatspreis für Nachhaltigkeit
Mercedes Fashion Night
Münchener Modepreis

We lobby for you
Through networking with the Deutschen Designtag – DT, the umbrella organisation of design associations with about 15,000 designers from all sectors in the background, it is possible for us, and thus for you, to participate in political decision-making.
Be it through participation in the councils of the German Design Day or as delegates to the expert committees of the German Cultural Council Berlin.
The German Cultural Council is in constant contact with political decision-makers through discussions, demands and resolutions.

Monetary.Win for members
In addition to the Subject.Wins come Money.Wins
Your discounts are:
15% on all print media from mode…information
15% on a subscription to TextilWirtschaft
25% on a subscription to TextilMitteilungen
50% on workshops/lectures/seminars
50% on Color.Cards, colour brochures and Trend.Pulse
free access to all important trade fairs
Photographer: alexraths | Credit: Depositphotos